How To

: Exploring Generative AI: A Look at Where Over Half of Organizations are Testing It

A recent survey conducted by Gartner Research has revealed that there has been a significant increase in the number of organizations piloting and implementing generative AI (genAI). The survey polled more than 1,400 executive leaders, and it showed that 45% of organizations are currently running genAI pilots, while another 10% have already put genAI solutions into production. This marks a threefold increase in organizations piloting genAI and more than a doubling of those who have implemented it since an earlier poll conducted in March and April 2023. The fact that organizations are not only talking about generative AI but also investing resources to drive it forward demonstrates the increasing interest in this technology and its potential for driving business outcomes.

The survey also found that 55% of organizations have increased their investment in generative AI since its surge into the public domain ten months ago with the launch of ChatGPT. Generative AI is now becoming a priority for CEOs and boards as they recognize its transformative potential.


Among the organizations surveyed, 45% reported that they are scaling genAI investments across multiple business functions, with 22% deploying the technology across multiple functions. The areas seeing the highest rate of genAI adoption or investment are software development, marketing, and customer service (chatbots).

The survey also revealed that 78% of respondents believe that the benefits of generative AI outweigh its risks, indicating a growing confidence in this technology.

Generative AI’s role in software development

Gartner predicts that by 2025, more than half of software engineering leader roles will require overseeing genAI development. This aligns with findings from the 2023 Accelerate State of DevOps Report by Google Cloud’s DevOps Research and Assessment team, which shows that a majority of technology professionals are incorporating AI into their tasks. AI is considered extremely important in tasks such as data analysis, security analysis, code writing, log analysis, and bug identification.


While there is enthusiasm about the potential of AI development tools, the impact of these tools on teams is still in its early stages. The Google Cloud report speculates that it will take time for AI-powered tools to come into widespread and coordinated use in the industry.

Haritha Khandabattu, a senior director analyst at Gartner, notes that generative AI will not replace developers in the near future, but it has the ability to automate certain aspects of software engineering. She emphasizes the importance of reinforcing the value of human creativity and problem-solving abilities while leveraging generative AI as a force multiplier for enhancing efficiency.

Generative AI can also streamline recruitment and hiring tasks, such as job analysis and interview summaries. It can free up time for software engineering leaders to focus on people-centric aspects of their role and continuously upskill their teams.

Copyright © 2023 IDG Communications, Inc.

My Unique Perspective:

Generative AI is rapidly gaining traction in organizations across various industries. The survey conducted by Gartner Research highlights the increasing investment and adoption of genAI, indicating the serious commitment towards exploring its potential. As generative AI becomes a priority for CEOs and boards, organizations are scaling their genAI investments and deploying the technology across multiple business functions. This trend signifies the recognition of the transformative power of genAI in driving business outcomes.

In the field of software development, generative AI is predicted to play a crucial role in the coming years, with more than half of software engineering leader roles expected to require oversight of genAI development. This aligns with the ongoing integration of AI into various software engineering tasks, as revealed by the 2023 Accelerate State of DevOps Report. However, it is important to note that the impact of AI-powered tools on teams is still in its early stages, and it may take time for widespread adoption and coordination.

While generative AI shows promise in automating certain aspects of software engineering, it is essential to emphasize the unique problem-solving abilities and creativity that humans possess. Leaders should view generative AI as a force multiplier rather than a replacement for developers, leveraging its potential to enhance efficiency while constantly upskilling their teams. Additionally, generative AI can streamline recruitment and hiring processes, saving time and allowing leaders to focus on the people-centric aspects of their roles.

The increasing confidence in generative AI, as evidenced by the belief that its benefits outweigh its risks, indicates a positive shift in perception and willingness to explore the possibilities it offers. With continued investment and strategic implementation, generative AI has the potential to revolutionize various industries and drive innovation.

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